Tuesday, October 1, 2013

The Fireside Journal - October 2013

The Fireside Journal
News from The Soulful Cricket
October 2013
Edition #4

Welcome to the fourth edition of The Fireside Journal.  There are so many things going on right now at The Soulful Cricket!  The Holistic Moms Group of Southern Chester County meetings, an arts and crafts show, a birthday party, meditation retreats, another goddess class, Clarion Brass rehearsals... and more to be filling in!

You may sign-up to receive the newsletter (and interim announcements) by using the "Receive Announcements & Newsletters via Email or Feedburner" box in the right column of the website or by sending me your email address.  Once you've signed-up, be sure to check your inbox to verify your email address.


•  Watch the Chester County Press for a mention of The Soulful Cricket in its article about the Holistic Moms Network: Southern Chester County Chapter!   The Holistic Moms Network holds their chapter meetings here the third Wednesday of each month.  Meetings are open to the public.  For more information about the Holistic Moms Network, please visit their website or their Facebook page.

Space Rentals Available! The Soulful Cricket is taking day and evening-use reservations for the downstairs spaces!  There are several rooms available, including the dining room, den, living room and great room.  To see more information about the rooms go to What We Do on our website.  For pricing, please call 610-444-2629 or email for a quote.  Many weekends are already filling in, but don't forget that weekdays are a good option, too, especially for off-site business meetings!

Fabulous Partnership!  The Soulful Cricket is so happy to have the opportunity to work with Sue Bara and her own business expansion into Kennett Square.  Sue is the owner of Nature and Spirit and DandeLion Grove.  She will be taking appointments for Reiki Sessions, Herbal Counseling, Stress Counseling and Holistic Health Counseling here to serve the Kennett Square area.  To make an appointment, please call Sue at 302-722-4476 or contact her by email.  Keep an eye for other classes that Sue will be offering here, as well!

Do you have a passion?  Is there something that you'd like to see us offer or do you have a passion that you can teach to others?  Arts?  Crafts?  Travel?   Music?  Food?  Email me and let's talk!

Schedule of Events
For the actual calendar, please Click Here.
Be sure to check the website often, as updates will appear!

Holistic Moms of Southern Chester County - Wednesday, October 16th, 7pm - 9pm.  Meetings are open to the public.  "Our goal is to develop a thriving local community of holistic parents with a wide range of interests."  For more information, please visit their website or Facebook page.    October's Topic: Introduction to Homeopathy. Join us in October as Board Certified M.D., Dr. Peter Prociuk explains how you can easily and confidently use the time-tested practice of homeopathy to help your family heal from illnesses and stay well!  Go to their Facebook events page or email to RSVP.

Monday Morning Meditations  - GIVING THANKS - CLASSES BEGIN Monday, October 28th.  8:45am - 10:15am.   A four week course on meditation held every Monday morning for four consecutive weeks. Click HERE for more information or call 610-444-2629.  A minimum of four registrants is needed  for the class to be held.  Maximum participants: 10, so sign-up and get on the list!  Call 610-444-2629 or email for details. COST: $50.

Saturday One-Day Meditation Retreat  - GIVING THANKS -  Saturday, November 2nd,  9am - 2:30pm.  Take the Monday Morning Meditation course in a one day retreat for a relaxing day away!  Click HERE  for more information or call 610-444-2629.  A minimum of four registrants is needed  for the class to be held.  Maximum participants: 10, so sign-up and get on the list!  Call 610-444-2629 or email for details. COST: $50.

Busy-Parent One-Day Meditation Retreat  - GIVING THANKS - Tuesday, November 5th, 8:45am - 2:15pm.  Take the Monday Morning Meditation course in a one day retreat while the kids are in school. Click HERE for more information or call 610-444-2629. A minimum of four registrants is needed  for the class to be held.  Maximum participants: 10, so sign-up and get on the list!  Call 610-444-2629 or email for details. COST: $50.

Arts/Crafts/Wellness Show for Charity - Friday, November 15th - Sunday, November 17th.  Vendors have agreed to give a percentage of their profits to one of two charities:  Alpha Rho Omega and/or the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation.  Watch the website and Facebook page for details coming soon!  If you want more information about how to be a vendor, please email me.

Holistic Moms of Southern Chester County - Wednesday, November 20th, 7pm - 9pm.  Meetings are open to the public.  "Our goal is to develop a thriving local community of holistic parents with a wide range of interests." For more information, please visit their website or Facebook page.  November's Topic:  Sustainable Home Landscape.  Go to their Facebook events page or email to RSVP.

Holistic Moms of Southern Chester County - Wednesday, December 18th, 7pm - 9pm.  Meetings are open to the public.  "Our goal is to develop a thriving local community of holistic parents with a wide range of interests.  Come on out, get connected to other like-minded moms and dads, and catch the excitement of our community!" For more information, please visit their website or Facebook page. December's Topic:  Present Wrapping Ideas/Holiday Gathering.  Go to their Facebook events page or email to RSVP.

Schedule an appointment with Sue Bara!  Sue specializes in Reiki, Holistic Healing Consultations, Herbal Consultations and Stress Reduction.  You can find more information about Sue on either one one of her website:  Spirit and Nature and DandeLion Grove.  Sue is holding office hours here at The Soulful Cricket by appointment only.  Contact Sue.

•  Other Meditation Opportunities - Private or semi-private consultations on meditation can be arranged by appointment.  Please contact either Sue Bara or Wendy Myers for more information.  Monday Morning Meditations, Saturday One-Day Meditations and Busy-Parent One-Day Meditation classes are all available and will be held once the registration gets to five participants.  Contact Wendy to be added to the sign-up list!

Sculpting Your Inner Goddess - Saturday, July 27th, 10am - 3pm.  Monica Rae Stover of Lancaster, PA will hold a Saturday retreat on goddesses!  She'll discuss goddesses throughout history, how they have played a role in many religions and beliefs and how a goddess resides in each of us!  Where and who is your own inner goddess?  Explore that part of yourself and go home with a goddess that you actually sculpt yourself.  Watch for details!  COST:  Pre-registration: $50.  After June 21, 2013:  $60.

Schedule an appointment with Sue Bara! She specializes in Reiki, Holistic Healing Consultations, Herbal Consultations and Stress Reduction. You can find more information about Sue's background at either one of her websites: Spirit and Nature and DandeLion Grove. Sue is holding office hours here at The Soulful Cricket by appointment. Also - watch for upcoming group classes on herbs, tinctures and other fun things!  COST:  Contact Sue Bara.

Other Meditation Opportunities - Private consultations on meditation can be arranged by appointment.  Please contact either Sue Bara or Wendy Myers for more information and pricing.


I am still looking for some kids and kid-like adults to try out a new children's meditation class!  The first five participants to sign-up will be able to take the class for free!  The class is about 1 hour long and parts of it will be held outside. I believe the class is ideal for ages 7 - 12, but should include some fun-loving adults!  To sign-up, please email me or call me at 610-444-2629.
Tea-Table Talks

When I woke-up this morning, I uttered my favorite morning phrase:  It's a good mushroom day today!  For those of you don't live locally, Kennett Square is the Mushroom Capitol of the World.  Many days we wake up to the smell of mushrooms.  Or, more specifically, the smell of what mushrooms are grown in.  After having lived here for over five years, I'm mostly immune to it.  When I do smell it, as I did this morning, it doesn't offend me anymore.  It's almost "homey". I do realize, however, that many other people don't quite feel that way.  So - if you visit The Soulful Cricket and you see lots of candles lit, it is probably because it was a good mushroom day.   It's one of the few "perks" in living in this part of the Brandywine Valley!
We enjoyed a busy summer!  The TKE reunion went well and, as always, made us laugh a lot.  Tim has some fabulous fraternity brothers.  We've been spending a lot of time on our Joyous Porch, too.  The weather wasn't as hot as last year, so spending time on the porch is always, well... a joy.   As my friend Teffie says, "It has healing powers."  In a way, I think it does.  It's good for the soul and that's what we're all about here!

The Holistics Mom Network: Southern Chester County Chapter (HMNSCCC) welcomes Dr. Peter Prociuk in October.  Dr. Prociuk was a very popular speaker the last time he came to the HMNSCCC!  He is a board certified practicing physician who looks at the body in a truly holistic sense.  By all accounts, he is a fabulous speaker and imparts some very useful information.  This is one of their meetings you will not want to miss!

The Clarion Brass has also been using the living room as their rehearsal space.  The living room has some wonderful acoustics for small groups like this quintet.  Music is one of my passions and I'm hoping more folks choose to use The Soulful Cricket as rehearsal or performance space.  It may be selfish on my part, but it gives me a chance to hear some fabulous live music!

November is a very busy month!  The next series of meditation classes are being offered and will be focusing on "Giving Thanks" and how meditation can help "calm" your holidays.  Registering early would be a good idea for these!

Also in November is my first what I hope to be annual Arts and Crafts Show.  The vendors have agreed to donate a percentage of their profits to one of two charities:  Alpha Rho Omega and their charitable works (which includes Relay for Life and others) and/or the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation.  More details will be published both on the website and on our Facebook page soon, so keep your eyes peeled!  HOWEVER, if you're interested in being a vendor, please email me now and I'll tell you what's happening!

Other upcoming classes and events include more offerings by Sue Bara, Monica Shaffer Stover will be doing another Sculpting Your Inner Goddess retreat and we welcome cross-stitch pattern designer Beth Seal.  With so much happening, you'll need to check the website frequently!

It is my hope that you have a blessed holiday season.  Remember to keep it simple, keep it light and keep it honest.  :)



 The Soulful Cricket
140 Thompson Road, Kennett Square, PA 19348  •  610-444-2629  •  http://soulfulcricket.blogspot.com  •  Email
All Rights Reserved.