Tuesday, April 2, 2013

The Fireside Journal - April 2013

The Fireside Journal
News from the Soulful Cricket
April 2013
Edition #2

Namaste.  Welcome to the second edition of The Fireside Journal.  It has been an exciting first quarter for the Soulful Cricket.  Sue Bara and I held our first meditation class here with some great students and there are many other very cool things coming up, so read on!

You may sign-up to receive the newsletter (and interim announcements) by using the "Receive Announcements & Newsletters via Email or Feedburner" box in the right column of the website or by sending me your email address.  Once you've signed-up, be sure to check your inbox to verify your email address.


Space Rentals Available!  As of January 1st, 2013 The Soulful Cricket began taking day-use reservations for the downstairs spaces!  There are several rooms available, including the dining room, den, living room and great room.  To see more information about the rooms go to What We Do on our website.  For pricing, please call 610-444-2629 or email for a quote.  Many weekends are already filling in, but don't forget that weekdays are a good option, too, especially for off-site business meetings!

Fabulous Partnership!  The Soulful Cricket is so happy to have the opportunity to work with Sue Bara and her own business expansion into Kennett Square.  Sue is the owner of Nature and Spirit and DandeLion Grove.  She will be taking appointments for Reiki Sessions, Herbal Counseling, Stress Counseling and Holistic Health Counseling here to serve the Kennett Square area.  To make an appointment, please call Sue at 302-722-4476 or by email.  Keep an eye for other classes that Sue will be offering here, as well!

Do you have a passion?  Is there something that you'd like to see us offer or do you have a passion that you can teach to others?  Email me and let's talk!

Schedule of Events
For the actual calendar, please Click Here.
Be sure to check the website often, as updates will appear!
Busy-Parent One-Day Meditation Retreat - Tuesday, April 9th, 8:45am - 2:15pm.  Take the Monday Morning Meditation course in a one day retreat while the kids are in school. Click HERE for more information or call 610-444-2629. Registration deadline is April 7th.  A minimum of four registrants is needed  for the class to be held.  Maximum participants: 10, so register early!  Call or email for details. COST: $50.

Saturday One-Day Meditation Retreat - Saturday, April 13th, 8am - 2pm.  Take the Monday Morning Meditation course in a one day retreat for a relaxing day away!  Click HERE for more information or call 610-444-2629.  Registration deadline is April 9th.  A minimum of four registrants is needed  for the class to be held.  Maximum participants: 10, so register early!  Call or email for details. COST: $50.

Monday Morning Meditations - April 15th, 22nd, 29th, May 6th, 8:45am - 10:15am.  A four week course on meditation held every Monday morning for four consecutive weeks. Click HERE for more information or call 610-444-2629.   Registration deadline is April 8th.  A minimum of four registrants is needed  for the class to be held.  Maximum participants: 10, so register early! Call or email for details. COST: $50.

Other Meditation Opportunities - Private consultations on meditation can be arranged by appointment.  Please contact either Sue Bara or Wendy Myers for more information and pricing.

Schedule an appointment with Sue Bara! She specializes in Reiki, Holistic Healing Consultations, Herbal Consultations and Stress Reduction. You can find more information about Sue's background at either one of her websites: Spirit and Nature and DandeLion Grove. Sue is holding office hours here at The Soulful Cricket by appointment. Also - watch for upcoming group classes on herbs, tinctures and other fun things!  COST:  Contact Sue Bara.

Stella and Dot Trunk Show - Saturday, April 20th at 2pm.  Join Kimberly Krous Gough as she travels to The Soulful Cricket with her Stella and Dot Trunk Show!  Click HERE for more information.  Don't miss your chance to own your own Chantilly Lace Cuff or Tempest Necklace!  RSVP via Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/events/341700319263212/) or by contacting Wendy by email or by calling 610-444-2629.  Can't make it or want a preview?  Visit Kimberly's webpage at http://www.stelladot.com/sites/kimberlygoughCOST:  Free to attend!

Sculpting Your Inner Goddess - Saturday, July 27th, 10am - 3pm.  Monica Rae Stover of Lancaster, PA will hold a Saturday retreat on goddesses!  She'll discuss goddesses throughout history, how they have played a role in many religions and beliefs and how a goddess resides in each of us!  Where and who is your own inner goddess?  Explore that part of yourself and go home with a goddess that you actually sculpt yourself.  Watch for details!  COST:  Pre-registration: $50.  After June 21, 2013:  $60.


The first registrant in each of the three offerings of April's Mediation classes will receive their class for 1/2 off!  Email me to be the first!  (Classes must have a minimum of three participants to be held and for the discount to qualify.  Discount does not carry forward if the class is canceled because not enough students signed up.)
Tea-Table Talks

The first quarter of 2013 went well! Sue Bara, myself and four students got through the Monday Morning Meditations classes in spite of forgotten holidays, sick kids and ice storms.  There was a lot of schedule-juggling, but in the fashion of mindfulness everybody went with the flow.  I learned a lot from Sue and it was a good experience for me personally.  I'm looking forward to taking what Sue taught me and my own experiences and applying them to the next series of meditation classes!
In my last newsletter I talked about the benefits of meditation.  It seems that I can't stress enough the huge health benefits that you get from a regular meditation habit.  Most of us know that meditation can benefit our spiritual practice, whatever our faith may be; but the mental and physical benefits are not well-known or thought of as being "hogwash".  So, I'm giving the link about it again!  Read about what the University of Massachusetts Medical School does with meditation and mindfulness in their own hospital and the research behind the benefits that led to this fabulous program.  There is study after study proving just how much good it does. I've found it to be very beneficial in managing my pain from Fibromyalgia and in offsetting my insomnia! Join me for a class and see just what the studies are talking about!

Two events are coming up that I'm really excited about (in addition to the meditation classes, of course)!  On April 20th, Kimberly Gough of Newport, PA will be bringing her Stella and Dot Trunk Show to The Soulful Cricket.  Personally, I love Kim's sense of style.  Not only is she a beautiful woman, but she's a well-put-together woman!  She'll be teaching us how to create our own style and become our own "well-put-together woman".  I'm looking forward to her suggestions for somebody like me! The event is open to the public, but Kim is asking that you RSVP so she's sure she has enough supplies for everybody!

Another event that I'm really excited about is the Sculpting Your Inner Goddess retreat!  Monica Stover is a fabulous presenter and has an intuition about herself and others that is rare in most people.  She has the ability to guide you through yourself (yup - I meant to say it that way) to help you find your inner goddess.  There is a limitation of only 15 registrants, so my suggestion is to register as soon as possible.  I have a feeling it will be filling up very quickly!

Tim and I are still working on the house and have come up with landscaping plans.  Getting the outside of the house dealt with will give us the ability to use our outdoor space, too!  I also can't wait to get the Joyous Porch open because that means Spring Is Here!  The Joyous Porch is our summer living room and my place of peace.  It even has it's own Facebook page!  If you're in the area, check the Facebook page for whether the Joyous Porch is open or not.  If it is, drop by!  That's what it's here for!  We would love to see you!

 The Soulful Cricket
140 Thompson Road, Kennett Square, PA 19348  •  610-444-2629  •  http://soulfulcricket.blogspot.com  •  Email
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